Overall: A pretty good game
It was pretty fun, if a bit frustrating sometimes, since, for me at least, the grappling hook seemed to not work while pressing another button. Also, sometimes the platform sizes don't seem as well-defined as they could be, as sometimes the character would slip off of them when I try to jump off the edges. This mostly got me during Level 19. Otherwise, it the controls were tight and responsive.
Definitely an improvement over the previous game, and the base levels were pretty engaging and intuitive, none of them felt impossible (though due to the grapple problems, some did frustrate me quite a bit). Curious to see where this will be taken in the full IMURA project!
Also a level I ended up making. Nicknamed it "Upwards" [07y69K0fd0g47gg0hi5hv6kl4mv5no4nv5ou0]